Computer Music - Introduction to Supercollider
6 Sessions
dates tba
SuperCollider is an open-source, cross-platform software program for real-time sound synthesis and algorithmic composition. It was created by James McCartney in 1996 and has evolved to become a powerful tool for music composition and creative coding. This workshop is designed to be a comprehensive intro to guide composers and sound practitioners seeking a structured tour through this flexible programming environment.
The program begins with platform-specific fundamentals, explores a large family of creative techniques, and then guides the workshop participants through the nuances of assembling, navigating, and performing their own ideas. Key topics include synthesis, sampling, sequencing and signal processing. Thought with both beginners practitioners in mind, this workshop is a resource for whom background falls anywhere on the spectrum between musician, computer programmer, and sound artists seeking to add new and flexible code-based techniques to their skill set. The course also provides a collection of code examples, which can be downloaded for exploration, experimentation, and hands-on learning.
SCW1 – Core Programming Basics
SCW2 – Making Sound
SCW3 – Synthesis techniques with SC
SCW4 – Sampling
SCW5 – Placing in Time
SCW6 – Signal Processing
Enrollment fees: 650€
Semi-deterministic sound workshops
Design / Art Direction
Joe Gilmore